About Food New Zealand
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Food NZ is unique in the marketplace:
• All articles are written and edited by professional food scientists and food technologists.
• Official magazine of the New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology (NZIFST), the premier professional association for those working in the technical/production/research area of the New Zealand food industry. Published under contract to NZIFST.
• Covers all facets of the food manufacturing and production industry.
• Link to online (Issuu) edition is emailed to all NZIFST members, plus others with an active interest in the food industry including researchers, government and regulators plus suppliers to food manufacturing.
• All advertising links, buttons etc are live, with access to data on page views, click-throughs.
• NZIFST e-zine, Nibbles, distributed fortnightly, drives additional traffic to the online edition via article and/or advertiser highlights, four times each issue of FNZ.
• Link to Magazine on Issuu is embedded on the FoodNZ website.
• Readers include technical managers, senior management, NPD professionals, sensory scientists, nutritionists, regulators, educators, scientists and analytical technicians.
• High quality, full colour, A4 format on Issuu platform.
• First level distribution list is 2500, supplemented by 4 additional highlights in Nibbles, between issues, to 1500 NZIFST members.
Published six times per year:
- February/March
- April/May
- June/July NB June/July issue carries a full preview of the NZIFST annual conference with the Conference Handbook
- August/September
- October/November
- December/January
Publication date is first week of even months.
Deadline for material 20th of the month prior