Since 2017, Food New Zealand has published reports on projects undertaken by FIET. This page gives you access to the full archive of these reports.
Drying of sticky productsAuthors: Prof. Tony Paterson, Dr Lee Huffman, Dr Sebastian Linnenkugel, Dr Aiman Jamsari
Coaxially induced microwave pasteurisation and sterilisation system– CiMPAS process development
Authors: Marie-Laure Delabre, Aswathi Soni , Sowmya Katsuri, Steven LeMoan, Emma Rouyer, Jeremy Smith, Rika Takeda, Raul Cruz and Kris Tong
The natural proteolytic enzymes in meat– Their role in tenderising and their survival under storage and processing conditionsAuthors: Mike Boland, Seah Xin Hui and Lovedeep Kaur
The use of Pulsed Electric Fields technology for the NZ winemaking industrySze Ying Leong, Phil Bremer, Patrick Silcock and Indrawati Oey (University of Otago)
We first reported the Pulsed Electric Fields FIET Project update in the Aug/Sep 2018 issue. Here is an update specifically on the wine project. |
Rapid Freezing of Sheep MilkJolin Morel, Lindsay Robertson, Richard Archer The aim of this project was to devise an affordable and simple, compact freezing method to form small balls, flakes or pellets of milk ice very rapidly and securely. We hoped that such a freezer could also be useful for other applications like freezing fruit pulps, blood, plasma etc. |
Creamed Pomace– a smooth-textured dietary fibre product from apple pomaceAuthors, Richard Archer, Marzieh Eblaghi, Florencia M. Yedro, Erin O’Donoghue, Lee Huffman and John Bronlund We first reported on the Pomace Creaming FIET project in the June/July 2018 issue. Here is an update – we are in the commercialisation phase now. |
Microwave-assisted processingAuthors: Jeremy Smith, Kris Tong, Aswathi Soni, Raul Cruz, Gale Brightwell, Donald Bailey, Steven LeMoan, Sravani Gupta and Abby Thompson
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Spectral Separations of Potatoes and HoneyAuthors: Abhimanyu Singh Garhwal, Reddy Pullanagari, Mo Li, Donald Bailey, Marlon Reis and Richard Archer
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Ultraviolet technologies for shelf life extension in fresh produceDr Gonzalo Martinez-Hermosilla and Prof John Bronlund
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FIET projects refreshed, three years into the six year programmeProfessor Richard Archer, Massey University Download pdf HERE
Milk chilling and farm milk vatsAuthors: Mohammad Harris, Richard Archer, Rachel Waite, Refat Al-Shannaq, Kevin Silver
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Preservation of foods using emerging technologies:A path towards minimally processed, low acid foodAuthors: Jawaad Ahmed Ansari, Marliya Ismail, and Mohammed Farid Download pdf HERE |
Pulsed Electric Field technology- New potential for New Zealand potato processing and winemaking industriesAuthors: Sze Ying Leong, Phil Bremer, Pat Silcock and Indrawati Oey (University of Otago) Download pdf HERE |
From residue to value product: the use of apple pomace for a diet rich in fibreAuthors: Florencia M. Yedro, Marzieh Eblaghi, Erin O’Donoghue, Lee Huffman, John Bronlund and Richard Archer Download pdf HERE |
Spray drying of fruit juices projectAuthors: Prof. Tony Paterson, Dr Lee Huffman, Sebastian Linnenkugel, Siti Mohd-Rozali Download pdf HERE |
The use of kiwifruit for tenderising meatAuthors: Mike Boland and Lovedeep Kaur, Riddet Institute Download pdf HERE |
Rapid freezing for storage of sheep milkAuthors: Richard Archer, Prof Mohammed Farid, Jolin Morel, Dr Georg Ripberger Download pdf HERE |
Atmospheric freeze-drying – an enabling technologyAuthors: Richard Archer, Jim R. Jones, Qun Chen, Lee Huffman Download pdf HERE |
Adding value by culinary smokingAuthors: Jim Jones, Georg Ripberger, Graham Eyres, Pat Silcock, Richard Archer
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Adding value through processingDr Mike Matthews This paper was presented at the 2017 NZIFST conference in Nelson. Dr Matthews is a food industry consultant and was CEO of the Tatua Cooperative Dairy Company, 1995 - 2008. He is also a Director of Food Industry Enabling Technologies (FIET). Download pdf HERE |